Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 23


ततो विहतसङ्कल्पा कन्यका यवनेश्वरम् ।मयोपदिष्टमासाद्य वव्रे नाम्ना भयं पतिम् ॥ २३ ॥


tato vihata-saṅkalpākanyakā yavaneśvarammayopadiṣṭam āsādyavavre nāmnā bhayaṁ patim


After she was thus disappointed by me, with my permission she approached the King of the Yavanas, whose name was Bhaya, or Fear, and she accepted him as her husband.


Being the most perfect Vaiṣṇava, Śrī Nārada Muni is always willing to do good to others, even to one who curses him. Although Kālakanyā, the daughter of Time, was refused by Nārada Muni, she was given a shelter. Of course no one could give her shelter, but a Vaiṣṇava gives shelter somewhere to such an unfortunate girl. When jarā, or old age, attacks, everyone dwindles and deteriorates. In one stroke Nārada Muni gave shelter to Kālakanyā and counterattacked the ordinary karmīs. If one accepts the instructions of Nārada Muni, the ocean of fear (bhaya) can be very quickly removed by the grace of that great Vaiṣṇava.