Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 34
तं प्रसादय वत्साशु सन्नत्या प्रश्रयोक्तिभि: ।न यावन्महतां तेज: कुलं नोऽभिभविष्यति ॥ ३४ ॥
taṁ prasādaya vatsāśusannatyā praśrayoktibhiḥna yāvan mahatāṁ tejaḥkulaṁ no ’bhibhaviṣyati
For this reason, my son, you should immediately pacify Kuvera with gentle words and prayers, and thus his wrath may not affect our family.
In our common dealings we should maintain friendship with everyone and certainly with such exalted demigods as Kuvera. Our behavior should be such that no one should become angry and thereby commit a wrong to individuals, families or society.