Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 32
श्रोण्योरध्यस्तया काञ्च्या काञ्चन्या बहुरत्नया ।हारेण च महार्हेण रुचकेन च भूषितम् ॥ ३२ ॥
śroṇyor adhyastayā kāñcyākāñcanyā bahu-ratnayāhāreṇa ca mahārheṇarucakena ca bhūṣitam
About her hips she wore a girdle of gold, set with numerous jewels, and she was further adorned with a precious pearl necklace and auspicious substances.
Auspicious substances include saffron, kuṅkuma and sandalwood pulp. Before taking a bath there are other auspicious substances, such as turmeric mixed with mustard seed oil, which are smeared all over the body. All kinds of auspicious substances were used to bathe Devahūti from top to toe.