Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 29


तां क्‍वणच्चरणाम्भोजां मदविह्वललोचनाम् ।काञ्चीकलापविलसद्दुकूलच्छन्नरोधसम् ॥ २९ ॥


tāṁ kvaṇac-caraṇāmbhojāṁmada-vihvala-locanāmkāñcī-kalāpa-vilasad-dukūla-cchanna-rodhasam


The body given up by Brahmā took the form of the evening twilight, when the day and night meet, a time which kindles passion. The asuras, who are passionate by nature, dominated as they are by the element of rajas, took it for a damsel, whose lotus feet resounded with the tinkling of anklets, whose eyes were wide with intoxication and whose hips were covered by fine cloth, over which shone a girdle.


As early morning is the period for spiritual cultivation, the beginning of evening is the period for passion. Demoniac men are generally very fond of sex enjoyment; therefore they very much appreciate the approach of evening. The demons took the approach of the evening twilight to be a beautiful woman, and they began to adore her in various ways. They imagined the twilight to be a very beautiful woman with tinkling bangles on her feet, a girdle on her hips, and beautiful breasts, and for their sexual satisfaction they imagined the appearance of this beautiful girl before them.