Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 29
एतौ तौ पार्षदावस्य शापाद्यातावसद्गतिम् ।पुन: कतिपयै: स्थानं प्रपत्स्येते ह जन्मभि: ॥ २९ ॥
etau tau pārṣadāv asyaśāpād yātāv asad-gatimpunaḥ katipayaiḥ sthānaṁprapatsyete ha janmabhiḥ
These two personal assistants of the Supreme Lord, having been cursed, have been destined to take birth in demoniac families. After a few such births, they will return to their own positions.