Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 13
मैत्रेय उवाचसोऽधिक्षिप्तो भगवता प्रलब्धश्च रुषा भृशम् ।आजहारोल्बणं क्रोधं क्रीड्यमानोऽहिराडिव ॥ १३ ॥
maitreya uvācaso ’dhikṣipto bhagavatāpralabdhaś ca ruṣā bhṛśamājahārolbaṇaṁ krodhaṁkrīḍyamāno ’hi-rāḍ iva
Śrī Maitreya said: The demon, being thus challenged by the Personality of Godhead, became angry and agitated, and he trembled in anger like a challenged cobra.
A cobra is very fierce before ordinary persons, but before an enchanter who can play with him, he is a plaything. Similarly, a demon may be very powerful in his own domain, but before the Lord he is insignificant. The demon Rāvaṇa was a fierce figure before the demigods, but when he was before Lord Rāmacandra he trembled and prayed to his deity, Lord Śiva, but to no avail.