Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 16
क्षुत्तृट्परीतो मकरैस्तिमिङ्गिलै-रुपद्रुतो वीचिनभस्वता हत: ।तमस्यपारे पतितो भ्रमन् दिशोन वेद खं गां च परिश्रमेषित: ॥ १६ ॥
kṣut-tṛṭ-parīto makarais timiṅgilairupadruto vīci-nabhasvatāhataḥtamasy apāre patito bhraman diśona veda khaṁ gāṁ ca pariśrameṣitaḥ
Tormented by hunger and thirst, attacked by monstrous makaras and timiṅgila fish and battered by the wind and waves, he moved aimlessly through the infinite darkness into which he had fallen. As he grew increasingly exhausted, he lost all sense of direction and could not tell the sky from the earth.