Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 44
तद् वै भजाम्यृतधियस्तव पादमूलंहित्वेदमात्मच्छदि चात्मगुरो: परस्य ।देहाद्यपार्थमसदन्त्यमभिज्ञमात्रंविन्देत ते तर्हि सर्वमनीषितार्थम् ॥ ४४ ॥
tad vai bhajāmy ṛta-dhiyas tava pāda-mūlaṁhitvedam ātma-cchadi cātma-guroḥ parasyadehādy apārtham asad antyam abhijña-mātraṁvindeta te tarhi sarva-manīṣitārtham
Therefore I worship Your lotus feet, having renounced my identification with the material body and everything else that covers my true self. These useless, insubstantial and temporary coverings are merely presumed to be separate from You, whose intelligence encompasses all truth. By attaining You — the Supreme Godhead and the master of the soul — one attains everything desirable.
One who falsely identifies himself as the material body or mind automatically feels entitled to exploit the material world. But when we realize our eternal spiritual nature and Lord Kṛṣṇa’s supreme proprietorship over all that be, we renounce our false enjoying propensity by the strength of spiritual knowledge.