Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 24
दीपश्चक्षुश्च रूपं च ज्योतिषो न पृथग् भवेत् ।एवं धी: खानि मात्राश्च न स्युरन्यतमादृतात् ॥ २४ ॥
dīpaś cakṣuś ca rūpaṁ cajyotiṣo na pṛthag bhavetevaṁ dhīḥ khāni mātrāś cana syur anyatamād ṛtāt
A lamp, the eye that views by the light of that lamp, and the visible form that is viewed are all basically nondifferent from the element fire. In the same way, intelligence, the senses and sense perceptions have no existence separate from the supreme reality, although that Absolute Truth remains totally distinct from them.