Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 29
सात्त्विकं सुखमात्मोत्थं विषयोत्थं तु राजसम् ।तामसं मोहदैन्योत्थं निर्गुणं मदपाश्रयम् ॥ २९ ॥
sāttvikaṁ sukham ātmotthaṁviṣayotthaṁ tu rājasamtāmasaṁ moha-dainyotthaṁnirguṇaṁ mad-apāśrayam
Happiness derived from the self is in the mode of goodness, happiness based on sense gratification is in the mode of passion, and happiness based on delusion and degradation is in the mode of ignorance. But that happiness found within Me is transcendental.