Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 44
अनीह आत्मा मनसा समीहताहिरण्मयो मत्सख उद्विचष्टे ।मन: स्वलिङ्गं परिगृह्य कामान्जुषन् निबद्धो गुणसङ्गतोऽसौ ॥ ४४ ॥
anīha ātmā manasā samīhatāhiraṇ-mayo mat-sakha udvicaṣṭemanaḥ sva-liṅgaṁ parigṛhya kāmānjuṣan nibaddho guṇa-saṅgato ’sau
Although present along with the struggling mind within the material body, the Supersoul is not endeavoring, because He is already endowed with transcendental enlightenment. Acting as my friend, He simply witnesses from His transcendental position. I, the infinitesimal spirit soul, on the other hand, have embraced this mind, which is the mirror reflecting the image of the material world. Thus I have become engaged in enjoying objects of desire and am entangled due to contact with the modes of nature.