Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 44
तस्माद्वचोमन:प्राणान् नियच्छेन्मत्परायण: ।मद्भक्तियुक्तया बुद्ध्या तत: परिसमाप्यते ॥ ४४ ॥
tasmād vaco manaḥ prāṇānniyacchen mat-parāyaṇaḥmad-bhakti-yuktayā buddhyātataḥ parisamāpyate
Being surrendered to Me, one should control the speech, mind and life air, and then through loving devotional intelligence one will completely fulfill the mission of life.
One can develop loving devotional intelligence by perfectly chanting the Brahma-gāyatrī mantra awarded at the moment of brāhmaṇa initiation. By clear intelligence, one becomes naturally and spontaneously disinterested in the rewards offered by mental speculation and fruitive activities and takes full shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.