Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 18
श्वेतद्वीपपतौ चित्तं शुद्धे धर्ममये मयि ।धारयञ्छ्वेततां याति षडूर्मिरहितो नर: ॥ १८ ॥
śvetadvīpa-patau cittaṁśuddhe dharma-maye mayidhārayañ chvetatāṁ yātiṣaḍ-ūrmi-rahito naraḥ
A human being who concentrates on Me as the upholder of religious principles, the personification of purity and the Lord of Śvetadvīpa obtains the pure existence in which he is freed from the six waves of material disturbance, namely hunger, thirst, decay, death, grief and illusion.
The Lord now begins to explain the processes for obtaining the ten secondary mystic perfections derived from the modes of nature. Within the material world Lord Viṣṇu, addressed here as śvetadvīpa-pati, the Lord of Śvetadvīpa, governs the material mode of goodness and is thus called śuddha and dharma-maya, or the personification of purity and piety. By worshiping Lord Viṣṇu as the personification of material goodness one obtains the material benediction of freedom from bodily disturbance.