Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 40
एवं स विप्रो भगवत्सुहृत्तदादृष्ट्वा स्वभृत्यैरजितं पराजितम् ।तद्ध्यानवेगोद्ग्रथितात्मबन्धन-स्तद्धाम लेभेऽचिरत: सतां गतिम् ॥ ४० ॥
evaṁ sa vipro bhagavat-suhṛt tadādṛṣṭvā sva-bhṛtyair ajitaṁ parājitamtad-dhyāna-vegodgrathitātma-bandhanastad-dhāma lebhe ’cirataḥ satāṁ gatim
Thus seeing how the unconquerable Supreme Lord is nonetheless conquered by His own servants, the Lord’s dear brāhmaṇa friend felt the remaining knots of material attachment within his heart being cut by the force of his constant meditation on the Lord. In a short time he attained Lord Kṛṣṇa’s supreme abode, the destination of great saints.
Sudāmā’s earthly fortune has been described, and now Śukadeva Gosvāmī describes the treasure the brāhmaṇa enjoyed in the next world. Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī mentions that Sudāmā’s last trace of illusion lay in the subtle pride of being a renounced brāhmaṇa. This trace was also destroyed by his contemplating the Supreme Lord’s submission to His devotees.