Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 3-4


तं विलोक्य बृहत्कायं भिन्नाञ्जनचयोपमम् ।तप्तताम्रशिखाश्मश्रुं दंष्ट्रोग्रभ्रुकुटीमुखम् ॥ ३ ॥सस्मार मूषलं राम: परसैन्यविदारणम् ।हलं च दैत्यदमनं ते तूर्णमुपतस्थतु: ॥ ४ ॥


taṁ vilokya bṛhat-kāyaṁbhinnāñjana-cayopamamtapta-tāmra-śikhā-śmaśruṁdaṁṣṭrogra-bhru-kuṭī-mukham


The immense demon resembled a mass of black carbon. His topknot and beard were like molten copper, and his face had horrible fangs and furrowed eyebrows. Upon seeing him, Lord Balarāma thought of His club, which tears to pieces His enemies’ armies, and His plow weapon, which punishes the demons. Thus summoned, His two weapons appeared before Him at once.
