Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 19-20


पृथूदकं बिन्दुसरस्‍त्रितकूपं सुदर्शनम् ।विशालं ब्रह्मतीर्थं च चक्रं प्राचीं सरस्वतीम् ॥ १९ ॥यमुनामनु यान्येव गङ्गामनु च भारत ।जगाम नैमिषं यत्र ऋषय: सत्रमासते ॥ २० ॥


pṛthūdakaṁ bindu-sarastritakūpaṁ sudarśanamviśālaṁ brahma-tīrthaṁ cacakraṁ prācīṁ sarasvatīm


Lord Balarāma visited the broad Bindu-saras Lake, Tritakūpa, Sudarśana, Viśāla, Brahma-tīrtha, Cakra-tīrtha and the eastward-flowing Sarasvatī. He also went to all the holy places along the Yamunā and the Ganges, O Bhārata, and then He came to the Naimiṣa forest, where great sages were performing an elaborate sacrifice.
