Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 44
यस्यामलं दिवि यश: प्रथितं रसायांभूमौ च ते भुवनमङ्गल दिग्वितानम् ।मन्दाकिनीति दिवि भोगवतीति चाधोगङ्गेति चेह चरणाम्बु पुनाति विश्वम् ॥ ४४ ॥
yasyāmalaṁ divi yaśaḥ prathitaṁ rasāyāṁbhūmau ca te bhuvana-maṅgala dig-vitānammandākinīti divi bhogavatīti cādhogaṅgeti ceha caraṇāmbu punāti viśvam
My dear Lord, You are the symbol of everything auspicious. Your transcendental name and fame is spread like a canopy all over the universe, including the higher, middle and lower planetary systems. The transcendental water that washes Your lotus feet is known in the higher planetary systems as the Mandākinī River, in the lower planetary systems as the Bhogavatī and in this earthly planetary system as the Ganges. This sacred, transcendental water flows throughout the entire universe, purifying wherever it goes.
This translation is based on Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Kṛṣṇa. Śrīdhara Svāmī mentions that the word dig-vitānam indicates that Lord Kṛṣṇa’s transcendental glories spread throughout the universe like a cooling canopy over the universal directions. In other words, the whole world can find shelter under the cooling shade of the Lord’s lotus feet. Thus the Lord is bhuvana-maṅgala, the symbol of everything auspicious for this world.