Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 21
गोकुलं सर्वमावृण्वन् मुष्णंश्चक्षूंषि रेणुभि: । ईरयन् सुमहाघोरशब्देन प्रदिशो दिश: ॥ २१ ॥
gokulaṁ sarvam āvṛṇvanmuṣṇaṁś cakṣūṁṣi reṇubhiḥīrayan sumahā-ghora-śabdena pradiśo diśaḥ
Covering the whole land of Gokula with particles of dust, that demon, acting as a strong whirlwind, covered everyone’s vision and began vibrating everywhere with a greatly fearful sound.
Tṛṇāvartāsura assumed the form of a whirlwind and covered with a dust storm the whole tract of land known as Gokula, so that no one could see even the nearest thing.