Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41
चक्रं च विष्णोस्तदनुप्रविष्टंवाराणसीं साट्टसभालयापणाम् ।सगोपुराट्टालककोष्ठसङ्कुलांसकोशहस्त्यश्वरथान्नशालिनीम् ॥ ४१ ॥
cakraṁ ca viṣṇos tad-anupraviṣṭaṁvārānasīṁ sāṭṭa-sabhālayāpaṇāmsa-gopurāṭṭālaka-koṣṭha-saṅkulāṁsa-kośa-hasty-aśva-rathānna-śālinīm
Lord Viṣṇu’s disc also entered Vārāṇasī, in pursuit of the fiery demon, and proceeded to burn the city to the ground, including all its assembly halls and residential palaces with raised porches, its numerous marketplaces, gateways, watchtowers, warehouses and treasuries, and all the buildings housing elephants, horses, chariots and grains.