Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 7
पप्रच्छ विद्वानपि तन्निदानंजनेषु विख्यापयितुं मुकुन्द: ।कस्त्वं महाभाग वरेण्यरूपोदेवोत्तमं त्वां गणयामि नूनम् ॥ ७ ॥
papraccha vidvān api tan-nidānaṁjaneṣu vikhyāpayituṁ mukundaḥkas tvaṁ mahā-bhāga vareṇya-rūpodevottamaṁ tvāṁ gaṇayāmi nūnam
Lord Kṛṣṇa understood the situation, but to inform people in general He inquired as follows: “Who are you, O greatly fortunate one? Seeing your excellent form, I think you must surely be an exalted demigod.