Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 17
तां नीयमानां तत्स्वामी दृष्ट्वोवाच ममेति तम् ।ममेति परिग्राह्याह नृगो मे दत्तवानिति ॥ १७ ॥
tāṁ nīyamānāṁ tat-svāmīdṛṣṭrovāca mameti tammameti parigrāhy āhanṛgo me dattavān iti
When the cow’s first owner saw her being led away, he said, “She is mine!” The second brāhmaṇa, who had accepted her as a gift, replied, “No, she’s mine! Nṛga gave her to me.”