Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 29
शतं सहस्रमयुतं रामस्तत्राददे पणम् ।तं तु रुक्म्यजयत्तत्र कालिङ्ग: प्राहसद् बलम् ।दन्तान् सन्दर्शयन्नुच्चैर्नामृष्यत्तद्धलायुध: ॥ २९ ॥
śataṁ sahasram ayutaṁrāmas tatrādade paṇamtaṁ tu rukmy ajayat tatrakāliṅgaḥ prāhasad balamdantān sandarśayann uccairnāmṛṣyat tad dhalāyudhaḥ
In that match Lord Balarāma first accepted a wager of one hundred coins, then one thousand, then ten thousand. Rukmī won this first round, and the King of Kaliṅga laughed loudly at Lord Balarāma, showing all his teeth. Lord Balarāma could not tolerate this.
Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains that the wagers consisted of gold coins. Lord Balarāma inwardly became quite angry when He saw the gross offense of the King of Kaliṅga.