Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 54
तानस्यत: शरव्रातान् बन्धुप्रियकृदर्जुन: ।गाण्डीवी कालयामास सिंह: क्षुद्रमृगानिव ॥ ५४ ॥
tān asyataḥ śara-vrātānbandhu-priya-kṛd arjunaḥgāṇḍīvī kālayām āsasiṁhaḥ kṣudra-mṛgān iva
Arjuna, wielder of the Gāṇḍīva bow, was always eager to please his friend Kṛṣṇa, and thus he drove back those opponents, who were shooting torrents of arrows at the Lord. He did this just as a lion drives away insignificant animals.