Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 13
एष त्वानिर्दशं सिन्धावक्षिपच्छम्बरोऽसुर: ।मत्स्योऽग्रसीत्तदुदरादित: प्राप्तो भवान् प्रभो ॥ १३ ॥
eṣa tvānirdaśaṁ sindhāvakṣipac chambaro ’suraḥmatsyo ’grasīt tad-udarāditaḥ prāpto bhavān prabho
That demon, Śambara, threw You into the sea when You were not even ten days old, and a fish swallowed You. Then in this very place we recovered You from the fish’s abdomen, O master.