Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 30
कच्चिद् द्विजवरश्रेष्ठ धर्मस्ते वृद्धसम्मत: ।वर्तते नातिकृच्छ्रेण सन्तुष्टमनस: सदा ॥ ३० ॥
kaccid dvija-vara-śreṣṭhadharmas te vṛddha-sammataḥvartate nāti-kṛcchreṇasantuṣṭa-manasaḥ sadā
[The Supreme Lord said:] O best of exalted brāhmaṇas, are your religious practices, sanctioned by senior authorities, proceeding without great difficulty? Is your mind always fully satisfied?
Here we have translated the word dharma as “religious practice,” although this does not fully convey the Sanskrit sense of the word. Kṛṣṇa did not appear within a secular society. The people in Vedic times could hardly imagine a society that did not understand the need to obey God’s law. Thus to them the word dharma conveyed a sense of duty in general, higher principles, prescribed duty and so on. It was automatically understood that such duties were within a religious context. But religion in those days was not a specific aspect or department of life, but rather a guiding light for all activities. Irreligious life was considered demoniac, and God’s hand was seen in everything.