Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 45
ता दीपदीप्तैर्मणिभिर्विरेजूरज्जूर्विकर्षद्भुजकङ्कणस्रज: ।चलन्नितम्बस्तनहारकुण्डल-त्विषत्कपोलारुणकुङ्कुमानना: ॥ ४५ ॥
tā dīpa-dīptair maṇibhir virejūrajjūr vikarṣad-bhuja-kaṅkaṇa-srajaḥcalan-nitamba-stana-hāra-kuṇḍala-tviṣat-kapolāruṇa-kuṅkumānanāḥ
As they pulled on the churning ropes with their bangled arms, the women of Vraja shone with the splendor of their jewels, which reflected the lamps’ light. Their hips, breasts and necklaces moved about, and their faces, anointed with reddish kuṅkuma, glowed radiantly with the luster of their earrings reflecting from their cheeks.