Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 17
करेण वामेन सलीलमुद्धृतंसज्यं च कृत्वा निमिषेण पश्यताम् । नृणां विकृष्य प्रबभञ्ज मध्यतोयथेक्षुदण्डं मदकर्युरुक्रम: ॥ १७ ॥
kareṇa vāmena sa-līlam uddhṛtaṁsajyaṁ ca kṛtvā nimiṣeṇa paśyatāmnṛṇāṁ vikṛṣya prababhañja madhyatoyathekṣu-daṇḍaṁ mada-kary urukramaḥ
Easily lifting the bow with His left hand, Lord Urukrama strung it in a fraction of a second as the King’s guards looked on. He then powerfully pulled the string and snapped the bow in half, just as an excited elephant might break a stalk of sugar cane.