Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 45
प्राह न: सार्थकं जन्म पावितं च कुलं प्रभो ।पितृदेवर्षयो मह्यं तुष्टा ह्यागमनेन वाम् ॥ ४५ ॥
prāha naḥ sārthakaṁ janmapāvitaṁ ca kulaṁ prabhopitṛ-devarṣayo mahyaṁtuṣṭā hy āgamanena vām
[Sudāmā said:] O Lord, my birth is now sanctified and my family free of contamination. Now that You both have come here, my forefathers, the demigods and the great sages are certainly all satisfied with me.