Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 24
तासां मुकुन्दो मधुमञ्जुभाषितै-र्गृहीतचित्त: परवान् मनस्व्यपि ।कथं पुनर्न: प्रतियास्यतेऽबलाग्राम्या: सलज्जस्मितविभ्रमैर्भ्रमन् ॥ २४ ॥
tāsāṁ mukundo madhu-mañju-bhāṣitairgṛhīta-cittaḥ para-vān manasvy apikathaṁ punar naḥ pratiyāsyate ’balāgrāmyāḥ salajja-smita-vibhramair bhraman
O gopīs, although our Mukunda is intelligent and very obedient to His parents, once He has fallen under the spell of the honey-sweet words of the women of Mathurā and been enchanted by their alluring, shy smiles, how will He ever return to us unsophisticated village girls?