Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 23
सुखं प्रभाता रजनीयमाशिष:सत्या बभूवु: पुरयोषितां ध्रुवम् ।या: संप्रविष्टस्य मुखं व्रजस्पते:पास्यन्त्यपाङ्गोत्कलितस्मितासवम् ॥ २३ ॥
sukhaṁ prabhātā rajanīyam āśiṣaḥsatyā babhūvuḥ pura-yoṣitāṁ dhruvamyāḥ saṁpraviṣṭasya mukhaṁ vrajas-pateḥpāsyanty apāṅgotkalita-smitāsavam
The dawn following this night will certainly be auspicious for the women of Mathurā. All their hopes will now be fulfilled, for as the Lord of Vraja enters their city, they will be able to drink from His face the nectar of the smile emanating from the corners of His eyes.