Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 15-20
चाणूरं मुष्टिकं चैव मल्लानन्यांश्च हस्तिनम् ।कंसं च निहतं द्रक्ष्ये परश्वोऽहनि ते विभो ॥ १५ ॥तस्यानु शङ्खयवनमुराणां नरकस्य च ।पारिजातापहरणमिन्द्रस्य च पराजयम् ॥ १६ ॥उद्वाहं वीरकन्यानां वीर्यशुल्कादिलक्षणम् ।नृगस्य मोक्षणं शापाद्द्वारकायां जगत्पते ॥ १७ ॥स्यमन्तकस्य च मणेरादानं सह भार्यया ।मृतपुत्रप्रदानं च ब्राह्मणस्य स्वधामत: ॥ १८ ॥पौण्ड्रकस्य वधं पश्चात् काशिपुर्याश्च दीपनम् ।दन्तवक्रस्य निधनं चैद्यस्य च महाक्रतौ ॥ १९ ॥यानि चान्यानि वीर्याणि द्वारकामावसन्भवान् ।कर्ता द्रक्ष्याम्यहं तानि गेयानि कविभिर्भुवि ॥ २० ॥
cāṇūraṁ muṣṭikaṁ caivamallān anyāṁś ca hastinamkaṁsaṁ ca nihataṁ drakṣyeparaśvo ’hani te vibho
In just two days, O almighty Lord, I will see the deaths of Cāṇūra, Muṣṭika and other wrestlers, along with those of the elephant Kuvalayāpīḍa and King Kaṁsa — all by Your hand. Then I will see You kill Kālayavana, Mura, Naraka and the conch demon, and I will also see You steal the pārijāta flower and defeat Indra. I will then see You marry many daughters of heroic kings after paying for them with Your valor. Then, O Lord of the universe, in Dvārakā You will deliver King Nṛga from a curse and take for Yourself the Syamantaka jewel, together with another wife. You will bring back a brāhmaṇa’s dead son from the abode of Your servant Yamarāja, and thereafter You will kill Pauṇḍraka, burn down the city of Kāśī and slay Dantavakra, and You will also put an end to the King of Cedi during the great Rājasūya sacrifice. I shall see all these heroic pastimes, along with many others You will perform during Your residence in Dvārakā. These pastimes are glorified on this earth in the songs of transcendental poets.