Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 23
सोऽम्भस्यलं युवतिभि: परिषिच्यमान:प्रेम्णेक्षित: प्रहसतीभिरितस्ततोऽङ्ग ।वैमानिकै: कुसुमवर्षिभिरीड्यमानोरेमे स्वयं स्वरतिरत्र गजेन्द्रलील: ॥ २३ ॥
so ’mbhasy alaṁ yuvatibhiḥ pariṣicyamānaḥpremṇekṣitaḥ prahasatībhir itas tato ’ṅgavaimānikaiḥ kusuma-varṣibhir īdyamānoreme svayaṁ sva-ratir atra gajendra-līlaḥ
My dear King, in the water Kṛṣṇa found Himself being splashed on all sides by the laughing gopīs, who looked at Him with love. As the demigods worshiped Him by showering flowers from their airplanes, the self-satisfied Lord took pleasure in playing like the king of the elephants.