Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 21
गोप्य: स्फुरत्पुरटकुण्डलकुन्तलत्विड्-गण्डश्रिया सुधितहासनिरीक्षणेन ।मानं दधत्य ऋषभस्य जगु: कृतानिपुण्यानि तत्कररुहस्पर्शप्रमोदा: ॥ २१ ॥
gopyaḥ sphurat-puraṭa-kuṇḍala-kuntala-tviḍ-gaṇḍa-śriyā sudhita-hāsa-nirīkṣaṇenamānaṁ dadhatya ṛṣabhasya jaguḥ kṛtānipuṇyāni tat-kara-ruha-sparśa-pramodāḥ
The gopīs honored their hero with smiling glances sweetened by the beauty of their cheeks and the effulgence of their curly locks and glittering golden earrings. Overjoyed from the touch of His fingernails, they chanted the glories of His all-auspicious transcendental pastimes.