Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 16
पतिसुतान्वयभ्रातृबान्धवा-नतिविलङ्घ्य तेऽन्त्यच्युतागता: ।गतिविदस्तवोद्गीतमोहिता:कितव योषित: कस्त्यजेन्निशि ॥ १६ ॥
pati-sutānvaya-bhrātṛ-bāndhavānativilaṅghya te ’nty acyutāgatāḥgati-vidas tavodgīta-mohitāḥkitava yoṣitaḥ kas tyajen niśi
Dear Acyuta, You know very well why we have come here. Who but a cheater like You would abandon young women who come to see Him in the middle of the night, enchanted by the loud song of His flute? Just to see You, we have completely rejected our husbands, children, ancestors, brothers and other relatives.