Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 23
प्राय:श्रुतप्रियतमोदयकर्णपूरै-र्यस्मिन् निमग्नमनसस्तमथाक्षिरन्ध्रै: ।अन्त: प्रवेश्य सुचिरं परिरभ्य तापंप्राज्ञं यथाभिमतयो विजहुर्नरेन्द्र ॥ २३ ॥
prāyaḥ-śruta-priyatamodaya-karṇa-pūrairyasmin nimagna-manasas tam athākṣi-randraiḥantaḥ praveśya su-ciraṁ parirabhya tāpaṁprājñaṁ yathābhimatayo vijahur narendra
O ruler of men, for a long time those brāhmaṇa ladies had heard about Kṛṣṇa, their beloved, and His glories had become the constant ornaments of their ears. Indeed, their minds were always absorbed in Him. Through the apertures of their eyes they now forced Him to enter within their hearts, and then they embraced Him within for a long time. In this way they finally gave up the pain of separation from Him, just as sages give up the anxiety of false ego by embracing their innermost consciousness.