Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5
सरित्सर:प्रस्रवणोर्मिवायुनाकह्लारकुञ्जोत्पलरेणुहारिणा ।न विद्यते यत्र वनौकसां दवोनिदाघवह्न्यर्कभवोऽतिशाद्वले ॥ ५ ॥
sarit-saraḥ-prasravaṇormi-vāyunākahlāra-kañjotpala-reṇu-hāriṇāna vidyate yatra vanaukasāṁ davonidāgha-vahny-arka-bhavo ’ti-śādvale
The wind wafting over the waves of the lakes and flowing rivers carried away the pollen of many varieties of lotuses and water lilies and then cooled the entire Vṛndāvana area. Thus the residents there did not suffer from the heat generated by the blazing summer sun and seasonal forest fires. Indeed, Vṛndāvana was abundant with fresh green grass.