Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 21
ता: कृष्णमातरमपत्यमनुप्रविष्टांतुल्यव्यथा: समनुगृह्य शुच: स्रवन्त्य: ।तास्ता व्रजप्रियकथा: कथयन्त्य आसन्कृष्णाननेऽर्पितदृशो मृतकप्रतीका: ॥ २१ ॥
tāḥ kṛṣṇa-mātaram apatyam anupraviṣṭāṁtulya-vyathāḥ samanugṛhya śucaḥ sravantyaḥtās tā vraja-priya-kathāḥ kathayantya āsankṛṣṇānane ’rpita-dṛśo mṛtaka-pratīkāḥ
Although the elder gopīs were feeling just as much distress as she and were pouring forth a flood of sorrowful tears, they had to forcibly hold back Kṛṣṇa’s mother, whose consciousness was totally absorbed in her son. Standing like corpses, with their eyes fixed upon His face, these gopīs each took turns recounting the pastimes of the darling of Vraja.