Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 57
कीर्तिमन्तं प्रथमजं कंसायानकदुन्दुभि: । अर्पयामास कृच्छ्रेण सोऽनृतादतिविह्वल: ॥ ५७ ॥
kīrtimantaṁ prathamajaṁkaṁsāyānakadundubhiḥarpayām āsa kṛcchreṇaso ’nṛtād ativihvalaḥ
Vasudeva was very much disturbed by fear of becoming a liar by breaking his promise. Thus with great pain he delivered his first-born son, named Kīrtimān, into the hands of Kaṁsa.
In the Vedic system, as soon as a child is born, especially a male child, the father calls for learned brāhmaṇas, and according to the description of the child’s horoscope the child is immediately given a name. This ceremony is called nāma-karaṇa. There are ten different saṁskāras, or reformatory methods, adopted in the system of varṇāśrama-dharma, and the name-giving ceremony is one of them. Although Vasudeva’s first son was to be delivered into the hands of Kaṁsa, the nāma-karaṇa ceremony was performed, and thus the child was named Kīrtimān. Such names are given immediately after birth.