Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 5 - Verse 1
Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 1 Sanskrit: सूत उवाचअथ तं सुखमासीन उपासीनं बृहच्छ्रवा: ।देवर्षि: प्राह विप्रर्षिं वीणापाणि: स्मयन्निव ॥ १ ॥ ITRANS: sūta uvācaatha taṁ sukham āsīnaupāsīnaṁ bṛhac-chravāḥdevarṣiḥ prāha viprarṣiṁvīṇā-pāṇiḥ smayann iva Translation: Sūta Gosvāmī said: Thus the sage amongst the gods [Nārada], comfortably seated and apparently smiling, addressed the ṛṣi amongst the brāhmaṇas [Vedavyāsa]. Purport: Nārada was smiling because he well knew the great sage Vedavyāsa and the cause of his disappointment....