Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 31
एवंविधा गदन्तीनां स गिर: पुरयोषिताम् ।निरीक्षणेनाभिनन्दन् सस्मितेन ययौ हरि: ॥ ३१ ॥
evaṁvidhā gadantīnāṁsa giraḥ pura-yoṣitāmnirīkṣaṇenābhinandansasmitena yayau hariḥ
While the ladies of the capital [Hastināpura] were greeting Him and talking in this way, the Lord, smiling, accepted their good greetings, and casting the grace of His glance over them, He departed from the city.