BG: 2.39
Shloka एषा तेऽभिहिता साङ्ख्ये बुद्धिर्योगे त्विमां शृणु | बुद्ध्या युक्तो यया पार्थ कर्मबन्धं प्रहास्यसि ||२-३९|| Transliteration eṣā te.abhihitā sāṅkhye buddhiryoge tvimāṃ śṛṇu . buddhyā yukto yayā pārtha karmabandhaṃ prahāsyasi ||2-39|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.39. Listen, how this knowledge, imparted [to you] for your sankhya, is [also] for the Yoga; endowed with which knowledge you shall cast off the bondage of action, O son of Prtha ! Shri Purohit Swami 2.39 I have told thee the philosophy of Knowledge....