BG: 9.8

Shloka प्रकृतिं स्वामवष्टभ्य विसृजामि पुनः पुनः | भूतग्राममिमं कृत्स्नमवशं प्रकृतेर्वशात् ||९-८|| Transliteration prakṛtiṃ svāmavaṣṭabhya visṛjāmi punaḥ punaḥ . bhūtagrāmamimaṃ kṛtsnamavaśaṃ prakṛtervaśāt ||9-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 9.8. Taking hold of My own nature I send forth again and again this entire host of beings, which is powerless under the control of [My] nature. Shri Purohit Swami 9.8 With the help of Nature, again and again I pour forth the whole multitude of beings, whether they will or no, for they are ruled by My Will....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 8.8

Shloka अभ्यासयोगयुक्तेन चेतसा नान्यगामिना | परमं पुरुषं दिव्यं याति पार्थानुचिन्तयन् ||८-८|| Transliteration orsaṃśayama abhyāsayogayuktena cetasā nānyagāminā . paramaṃ puruṣaṃ divyaṃ yāti pārthānucintayan ||8-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 8.8. He, who is engaged in the after-reflection (who meditates) on the Supreme Divine Soul with his mind, remaining fixed in the practice-Yoga and [hence] passing over no other object - that person attains [that Supreme], O son of Prtha ! Shri Purohit Swami 8.8 He whose mind does not wander, and who is engaged in constant meditation, attains the Supreme Spirit....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum

BG: 7.8

Shloka रसोऽहमप्सु कौन्तेय प्रभास्मि शशिसूर्ययोः | प्रणवः सर्ववेदेषु शब्दः खे पौरुषं नृषु ||७-८|| Transliteration raso.ahamapsu kaunteya prabhāsmi śaśisūryayoḥ . praṇavaḥ sarvavedeṣu śabdaḥ khe pauruṣaṃ nṛṣu ||7-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 7.8. O son of Kunti ! I am the taste in waters; the light in the moon and the sun; the best hymn (OM) in the entire Vedas; the sound that exists in the ether (or the mystic hymnal sound in the entire Vedas-a sound that is in the ether); and the manly vigour in men....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 6.8

Shloka ज्ञानविज्ञानतृप्तात्मा कूटस्थो विजितेन्द्रियः | युक्त इत्युच्यते योगी समलोष्टाश्मकाञ्चनः ||६-८|| Transliteration jñānavijñānatṛptātmā kūṭastho vijitendriyaḥ . yukta ityucyate yogī samaloṣṭāśmakāñcanaḥ ||6-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 6.8. He, whose self (mind) is satisfied with knowledge and with what consists of varied thoughts; who remains peak-like and has completely subdued his sense organs; and to whom a clod, a stone and a piece of gold are the same-that man of Yoga is called a master of Yoga....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 5.8

Shloka नैव किञ्चित्करोमीति युक्तो मन्येत तत्त्ववित् | पश्यञ्शृण्वन्स्पृशञ्जिघ्रन्नश्नन्गच्छन्स्वपञ्श्वसन् ||५-८|| Transliteration naiva kiñcitkaromīti yukto manyeta tattvavit . paśyañśruṇvanspṛśañjighrannaśnangacchansvapañśvasan ||5-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 5.8. A master of Yoga, knowing the reality would think ‘I do not perform any action at all’. For, he who, while seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping and breathing; Shri Purohit Swami 5.8 Though the saint sees, hears, touches, smells, eats, moves, sleeps and breathes, yet he knows the Truth, and he knows that it is not he who acts....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 4.8

Shloka परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् | धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ||४-८|| Transliteration paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṃ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām . dharmasaṃsthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge ||4-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 4.8. For the protection of the good people, and for the destruction of evil-doers, and for the purpose of firmly establishing righteousness, I take birth in every age. Shri Purohit Swami 4.8 To protect the righteous, to destroy the wicked and to establish the kingdom of God, I am reborn from age to age....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 3.8

Shloka नियतं कुरु कर्म त्वं कर्म ज्यायो ह्यकर्मणः | शरीरयात्रापि च ते न प्रसिद्ध्येदकर्मणः ||३-८|| Transliteration niyataṃ kuru karma tvaṃ karma jyāyo hyakarmaṇaḥ . śarīrayātrāpi ca te na prasiddhyedakarmaṇaḥ ||3-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 3.8. You must perform your action which has been enjoined. For, action is superior to inaction; and even the maintenance of your body could not be properly accomplished through inaction. Shri Purohit Swami 3.8 Do thy duty as prescribed, for action for duty’s sake is superior to inaction....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum

BG: 2.8

Shloka न हि प्रपश्यामि ममापनुद्याद् यच्छोकमुच्छोषणमिन्द्रियाणाम् | अवाप्य भूमावसपत्नमृद्धं राज्यं सुराणामपि चाधिपत्यम् ||२-८|| Transliteration na hi prapaśyāmi mamāpanudyād yacchokamucchoṣaṇamindriyāṇām . avāpya bhūmāvasapatnamṛddhaṃ rājyaṃ surāṇāmapi cādhipatyam ||2-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.8. I do not clearly see what would drive out my grief, the scorcher of my sense-organs, even after achieving, a prosperous and unrivalled kingship in this earth and also the overlordship of the gods [in the heaven]. Shri Purohit Swami 2.8 For should I attain the monarchy of the visible world, or over the invisible world, it would not drive away the anguish which is now paralysing my senses....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 1.8

Shloka भवान्भीष्मश्च कर्णश्च कृपश्च समितिञ्जयः | अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सौमदत्तिस्तथैव च ||१-८|| Transliteration bhavānbhīṣmaśca karṇaśca kṛpaśca samitiñjayaḥ . aśvatthāmā vikarṇaśca saumadattistathaiva ca ||1-8|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 1.8. Your goodself, and Bhisma, and Karna, krpa, Salya, Jayadratha, Asvatthaman, and Vikarna, and Somadatta’s son, the valourous; Shri Purohit Swami 1.8 You come first; then Bheeshma, Karna, Kripa, great soldiers; Ashwaththama, Vikarna and the son of Somadhatta; Sri Abhinav Gupta 1.2 1.9 Why this exhaustive counting?...

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 18.9

Shloka कार्यमित्येव यत्कर्म नियतं क्रियतेऽर्जुन | सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा फलं चैव स त्यागः सात्त्विको मतः ||१८-९|| Transliteration kāryamityeva yatkarma niyataṃ kriyate.arjuna . saṅgaṃ tyaktvā phalaṃ caiva sa tyāgaḥ sāttviko mataḥ ||18-9|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.9. ‘This is a thing to be performed.’-just on that ground whatever usual action is performed relinishing attachment and also fruit-that act of relinishment is deemed to be of the Sattva (Strand). Shri Purohit Swami 18.9 He who performs an obligatory action, because he believes it to be a duty which ought to be done, without any personal desire to do the act or to receive any return - such renunciation is Pure....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum

BG: 17.9

Shloka कट्वम्ललवणात्युष्णतीक्ष्णरूक्षविदाहिनः | आहारा राजसस्येष्टा दुःखशोकामयप्रदाः ||१७-९|| Transliteration kaṭvamlalavaṇātyuṣṇatīkṣṇarūkṣavidāhinaḥ . āhārā rājasasyeṣṭā duḥkhaśokāmayapradāḥ ||17-9|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 17.9. The foods that are killed by men of the Rajas (Strand) are those which are bitter, sour, saltish, very hot, harsh, dry, and burning; and which cause pain, grief and disease. Shri Purohit Swami 17.9 Those in whom Passion is dominant like foods that are bitter, sour, salty, over-hot, pungent, dry and burning. These produce unhappiness, repentance and disease....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 16.9

Shloka एतां दृष्टिमवष्टभ्य नष्टात्मानोऽल्पबुद्धयः | प्रभवन्त्युग्रकर्माणः क्षयाय जगतोऽहिताः ||१६-९|| Transliteration etāṃ dṛṣṭimavaṣṭabhya naṣṭātmāno.alpabuddhayaḥ . prabhavantyugrakarmāṇaḥ kṣayāya jagato.ahitāḥ ||16-9|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 16.9. Clinging to this view, the inauspcious men of the ruined Souls, of the poor intellect, and of the cruel deeds, strive for the destruction of the world. Shri Purohit Swami 16.9 Thinking thus, these degraded souls, these enemies of mankind - whose intelligence is negligible and whose deeds are monstrous - come into the world only to destroy....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 15.9

Shloka श्रोत्रं चक्षुः स्पर्शनं च रसनं घ्राणमेव च | अधिष्ठाय मनश्चायं विषयानुपसेवते ||१५-९|| Transliteration śrotraṃ cakṣuḥ sparśanaṃ ca rasanaṃ ghrāṇameva ca . adhiṣṭhāya manaścāyaṃ viṣayānupasevate ||15-9|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 15.9. Presiding over the ear, the eye, the touch-sense the taste-sense and also the smell-sense and the mind, He enjoys the sense objects. Shri Purohit Swami 15.9 He is the perception of the ear, the eye, the touch, the taste and the smell, yea and of the mind also; and the enjoyment the things which they perceive is also His....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 14.9

Shloka सत्त्वं सुखे सञ्जयति रजः कर्मणि भारत | ज्ञानमावृत्य तु तमः प्रमादे सञ्जयत्युत ||१४-९|| Transliteration sattvaṃ sukhe sañjayati rajaḥ karmaṇi bhārata . jñānamāvṛtya tu tamaḥ pramāde sañjayatyuta ||14-9|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 14.9. O descendant of Bharata ! The Sattva fully dominates [the Embodied] in the field of happiness; the Rajas in action; but the Tamas also totally dominates in the field of negligence, by veiling knowledge. Shri Purohit Swami 14.9 Purity brings happiness, Passion commotion, and Ignorance, which obscures wisdom, leads to a life of failure....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 13.9

Shloka इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यमनहंकार एव च | जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिदुःखदोषानुदर्शनम् ||१३-९|| Transliteration indriyārtheṣu vairāgyamanahaṃkāra eva ca . janmamṛtyujarāvyādhiduḥkhadoṣānudarśanam ||13-9|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 13.9. Absence of desire for sense-objects; and also absence of egotism; pondering over the evils of birth, death, old age, sickness and sorrow; Shri Purohit Swami 13.9 Renunciation of the delights of sense, absence of pride, right understanding of the painful problem of birth and death, of age and sickness; Sri Abhinav Gupta 13....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum