Q&A: Is there any hierarchy for Devi's incarnations?

Question Is there any hierarchy for Devi’s incarnations? Answer Before knowing about hierarchy of incarnation of Devi, it is necessary to know about hierachy of Devi herself (with respect to other Gods). So, to explain this I have divided the answer to this question to several parts: 1) Explanation from Absolute Level: Below is the explanation from the absolute level point of view or Paramartha Satyam; ● Devi as only one that exists:...

February 14, 2023 · 13 min · TheAum

Q&A: On verses, from major Hindu texts, similar in purport to those found in the Bhagawat Gita

Question On verses, from major Hindu texts, similar in purport to those found in the Bhagawat Gita Answer Bhagavata Purana talks about following one's own Dharma in SB 3.28.2. sva-dharmācaraṇaṁ śaktyā vidharmāc ca nivartanam daivāl labdhena santoṣa ātmavic-caraṇārcanam One should execute his prescribed duties to the best of his ability and avoid performing duties not allotted to him. One should be satisfied with as much gain as he achieves by the grace of the Lord, and one should worship the lotus feet of a spiritual master....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Why does Chinna Jeeyar Swami carry a bunch of sticks and a flag attached to them?

Question Why does Chinna Jeeyar Swami carry a bunch of sticks and a flag attached to them? Answer Not just Chinna Jeeyar Swami, but all Sri Vaishnava Acharyas carry these three sticks. They are called the Tridanda, and they are carried by those who have taken up Tridandi Sanyasa, which is the type of Sanyasa that Sri Vaishnavas follow. The appearance of Sanyasis in general is described in this chapter of the Manu Smriti:...

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Why do Sannyasis avoid looking at women?

Question Why do Sannyasis avoid looking at women? Answer For sannyāsis, not looking at women is only the starting point, it is not the destination. They are actually trying to slay their indriyas to the point that they are unaffected by the opposite sex. Śaṅkarācārya says in Vivekachūdāmani: The deer, the elephant, the moth, the fish and the honey-bee---these five meet death because of their bondage to one of the five senses....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Are we encouraged to become a brahmin?

Question Are we encouraged to become a brahmin? Answer Based on the nature a person has acquired from material modes; he can be classified to be belonging to one of the varnas. There are 4 varnas Viz. Brahmin,Kshatriya,Vaishya and Shudra. The predominating modes that drive these four classes are: Brahmin-Mode of Goodness Kshatriya-Mode of passion Vaishya -mix of passion and Ignorance Shudra-mode of Ignorance This is mentioned in 18th Chapter of Gita....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Why some spiritual people become cynical?

Question Why some spiritual people become cynical? Answer The answer is provided in Shreemad Bhagvat purana by Lord Shree Krishna. He explains about "Vanaprastha" (वानप्रस्थ) and "Sanyasi Dharma." In these shlokas Lord Shree Krishna explains How a spiritual oriented person and Sadhus and Sanyasi's should behave who are his pure devotee's. प्रसंग्ड:मजरं पाशमात्मणन: कवयो विदु:| स एव साधुषु कृतो मोक्षद्वारमपावृतम||२०|| prasaṅgam ajaraṁ pāśam ātmanaḥ kavayo viduḥ sa eva sādhuṣu kṛto mokṣa-dvāram apāvṛtam...

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: How important is the Bhagavad Gita when compared to other Hindu texts?

Question How important is the Bhagavad Gita when compared to other Hindu texts? Answer Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam writes: Question Swamiji, is there some basic text, for example, the Bible in Christianity, that defines the Hindu religion? Answer In Hinduism, we have a galaxy of saints, prophets and incarnations of God. We have also inherited a large collection of books. And thus if I have to name a book which represents the essence of Hinduism, it becomes a daunting task....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: In which caste was Lord Krishna born into?

Question In which caste was Lord Krishna born into? Answer There are verses in "Shreemad Bhagvatam" that points towards "Lord Shree Krishna's" relation with Pandavas. Although he has been raised in Gokula, Kunti mother of Pandavas was sister of Vasudeva (Father of shree Krishna"). So we can say that Shree krishna was a kshatriya. तं मातुलेयं परिरभ्य निवृतो भीम: स्ययन प्रेमजवाकुलेइंद्रिय:। यमौ किरीटी च सुह्यत्तमं मुदा प्रवृद्धबाष्पा: परिरेभिरेsच्युतम।।27।। Tam Matuleyam Paribhya Nivritto Bhimah Sasyan Pramjava kule indriya Yamo kiriti Ch Suhruttmam Muda Pravrubgdbashpah Paribhirechhutam....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Negative Characterisitcs of Women - Ravana

Question Negative Characterisitcs of Women - Ravana Answer Do our scriptures say anything about the negative traits of women or which women to avoid in general? According Manu Smriti, there are six negative traits or characteristics of women that bring about her downfall or ruin. 9.13. Drinking (spirituous liquor), associating with wicked people, separation from the husband, rambling abroad, sleeping (at unseasonable hours), and dwelling in other men’s houses, are the six causes of the ruin of women....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Will saying something in anger come true?

Question Will saying something in anger come true? Answer I will say No, Everyone's Curse or Blessings is not going to be true. People who have achieved the power to curse & give blessings, their sayings will only be true. Every Mother wants her son to be a good human or a rich man. She always give her blessings to her son, but for everyone it doesn't become true. Every Father blesses her daughter to lead a happy life but those blessings does not become true....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: Which Puranic Scriptures describes procedure of 'Ashtanga Yoga'?

Question Which Puranic Scriptures describes procedure of “Ashtanga Yoga”? Answer Ashtanga Yoga is described by Devi (the mother) to Himalaya in Devi Bhagavatam, Seventh Book, Chapter XXXV in details. हिमालय उवाच योगं वद महेशानि सांगं संवित्प्रदायकम् । कृतेन येन योग्योऽहं भवेयं तत्त्वदर्शने ॥ 1 ॥ Himalaya said: "O Maheswari Now tell me the Yoga with all its Angas (limbs) giving the knowledge of the Supreme Consciousness so that, I may realise my Self, when I practise according to those instructions....

February 14, 2023 · 7 min · TheAum

Q&A: What has Virāṭa Parva pārāyaṇa got to do with rains?

Question What has Virāṭa Parva pārāyaṇa got to do with rains? Answer Dr. Garikipati Narasimha Rao in his discourse on Mahābhārata in this YouTube video (Telugu) says that the custom of reciting Virāṭa Parva for rains has originated because Bhīṣma describes the 18 signs of Yudhiṣṭhira's presence, in Virāṭa Parva and one of them is: "where king Yudhiṣṭhira resides...the clouds, without doubt, pour abundant rain." In Go-harana Parva of Virāṭa Parva, this is what Bhīṣma exactly says:...

February 14, 2023 · 4 min · TheAum

Q&A: Does Bhagavad Gita detest atheists?

Question Does Bhagavad Gita detest atheists? Answer Updated version There has been some criticism about my previous answer. hence I am posting an updated version which is hopefully better than the previous version. Gita acknowledges the right of a person to reject its teachings. ‘..Reflecting on this entire teaching, do as you think fit.’ Gita 18.63 However, Gita has very low opinion about atheists. According to them nothing is ultimately real in this world....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Which Scriptures say that by chanting Lord's name during the time of one's death one can attain 'Moksha'?

Question Which Scriptures say that by chanting Lord’s name during the time of one’s death one can attain “Moksha”? Answer This Brahma Vaivarta Purana chapter states that, one, who chants the name "Shiva", during his/her dying moments, is sure to attain moksha. Shri Krishna then revealed the excellent value of Shiva Linga Sthapana or establishing a Shiva Linga; he said: Maha Deva Maha Deva Maha Deveti vaadinah, Paschaadyaami Mahaastrasto naama shravana lobhatah, Shiveti mantramucchharya praanamstyajati yo narah/ Koti janmaarjitaat Paapaanmukto muktim prayaati sah, Shivam kalyaana vachanam kalyaanam kalyaanam Muktivaachikam/ Yaatsattha Prabhavettena sa Shivah parikeertitah/ (If some body recites Maha Deva, Maha Deva and Maha Deva, I am tempted to be behind him and follow him; if somebody takes Shiva's name at the time of his death, that person would be freed from the sins committed by his/her previous crores of lives and most certainly secure Moksha....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: Does the word 'Indrajāla' (Indra's net) have any connection to the god Indra?

Question Does the word “Indrajāla” (Indra’s net) have any connection to the god Indra? Answer Indrajala has been used in various scriptures. It has various meanings as given by OP in question. It is also a name of weapon used by Arjuna as given in Mahabharata: Mahabharata, Book 3, SECTION CCXLIII sthūṇākarṇendrajālaṃ ca sauraṃ cāpi tathārjunaḥ / (17.1) āgneyaṃ cāpi saumyaṃ ca sasarja kurunandanaḥ // (17.2) Then Arjuna of the Kuru race shot his well-known weapons called Sthunakarna, Indrajala, Saura, Agneya and Saumya....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum