Q&A: Who has written Madhurashtakam and what is its meaning?

Question Who has written Madhurashtakam and what is its meaning? Answer Madhurashtakam was written by Vallabha Acharya, the founder of the Pushti Marga and philosophy of Shuddhaadvaita. It is written in respect of Lord Krishna. अधरं मधुरं वदनं मधुरं नयनं मधुरं हसितं मधुरम् । हृदयं मधुरं गमनं मधुरं मधुराधिपतेरखिलं मधुरम् ॥१॥ Adharam Madhuram Vadanam Madhuram Nayanam Madhuram Hasitam Madhuram | Hrdayam Madhuram Gamanam Madhuram Madhura-Adhipater-Akhilam Madhuram ||1|| Meaning: 1.1: (O Krishna) Your Lips are Sweet and Charming, Your Face is Sweet and Charming, Your Eyes are Sweet and Charming and Your Laughter is Sweet and Charming,...

February 14, 2023 · 4 min · TheAum

Q&A: What is 'Agnihotra'?

Question What is “Agnihotra”? Answer Agnihotra is a process that uses healing fire to purify the surroundings. The fire is prepared through a specific process, which is performed twice a day – during the sunrise and the sunset. In other words, Agnihotra is a ‘vedic yagna’ or a ritual that is mentioned in the Vedas, which is followed by the class of “Nambudiri Brahmins” of Kerala in India. There has been a worldwide increase in awareness about the innumerable effects of Agnihotra homam in the recent past....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: How many shlokas are there in Valmiki Ramayana?

Question How many shlokas are there in Valmiki Ramayana? Answer The total number of ślokas in the Critical Edition of Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa is only 18,670. In the non-critical versions of the epic, the number is consistently around 24,000. Yes, the Uttara-kāṇḍa is also included in these counts. From The Valmiki Ramayana: Volume 1 by Bibek Debroy: The table below shows the number of chapters and shlokas we have in the Critical Edition....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Names of female scholars from Vaidic and Upanishadic times, or 'Brahmavadinis'

Question Names of female scholars from Vaidic and Upanishadic times, or “Brahmavadinis” Answer According to Brihad Devata, 2.82-84 Sanskrit Source and English Transliteration Source, there are several Brahmavadinis as follows: Ghosa Godha Visvavara Apalopanisan Nisat ; Brahmajaya Juhur nama, Agastyasya svasaditih. [82] Indrani cendramata ca Sarama Romasorvasi; Lopamudra ca Nadyas ca Yami nari ca Sasvati .[83] Srir Laksa Sarparajnl Vak Sraddha Medha ca Daksina; Ratrl Surya ca Savitrl brahmavadinya Iritah. [84]...

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Resurrection stories in Hindu scriptures?

Question Resurrection stories in Hindu scriptures? Answer There is One intersting story in Valmiki Ramayna (Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War) about Resurrection of the Monkeys by Lord Indra , who were killed in the battle between Shree Rama and Ravana. समुत्तिष्ठन्तु ते सर्वे हता ये युधि राक्षसैः | ऋक्षाश्च सह गोपुच्छैर्निकृत्ताननबाहवः || ६-१२०-१३ te sarve = (Let) all those monkeys; R^ikShaashcha = and bears; gopuchchhaiH = along with long-tailed monkeys;ye hataaH = who have been killed; yudhi = in battle;raakShasaiH = by the demons; nikR^ittanana baahavaH = and whose heads and arms have been severed;samuttiShThantu = be active again....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Slavery in Hinduism

Question Slavery in Hinduism Answer There were no slaves in the Hindu world like the equivalent of it in the western world The above statement is true.But we do have the concept of "dasa/dasi" or servants or (some translate it as) slaves.But they are not the same as say sex slaves or war slaves."Servant" is the more proper word here not "slave". The dasa or dasis are there to help the householder in his daily duties/chores....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: What do scriptures say about using swear or abusive words for cursing people?

Question What do scriptures say about using swear or abusive words for cursing people? Answer Vidura discusses the importance of controlling one's speech To control speech, O king, is said to be most difficult. It is not easy to hold a long conversation uttering words full of meaning and delightful to hearers. Well-spoken speech is productive of many beneficial results; and ill-spoken speech, O king, is the cause of evils. A forest pierced by arrows, or cut down by hatchets may again grow, but one’s heart wounded and censured by ill-spoken words never recovereth....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: What is the meaning of five elements(Pancha Bhootas) in Hinduism?

Question What is the meaning of five elements(Pancha Bhootas) in Hinduism? Answer The five elements you referred to are together called the "Pancha Bhootas". Now,The Pancha Karmendriyas(Indriyas=Senses,Karma=Activity/Work,Jnana=Knowledge)are related to excretion,reproduction,& the acts of grasping,moving & speaking. Where as, the "Pancha Jnanendriyas" are related to the acts of smelling,tasting,seeing,touching & hearing. In the context of "Srishti Karma"(the proccess of creation by the Almighty) the Aiteraya Upanishad describes (as quoted below)how the Pancha Bhootas and Dasa indriyas are inter-connected and how they are created from Him :...

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Past life of Satyabhama

Question Past life of Satyabhama Answer Previous life of Satyabhama is described in Kaartika Masa Mahatmya, Vaishanava Khanda of Skanda Mahapurana. Satyabhama herself asked Sri Krishna about her previous birth. Satyabhama was Gunavati, daughter of Devasharma a Brahmana who belonged to Aithreya Gotra. He gave (in marriage) his daughter Gunavati to Candra. When her father and husband went to forest, they were killed by a Rakshasa. Then Gunavati did Ekadasi vrata and Kaartika Masa vrata every year and finally she went to vaikunta....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Do generational curses exist in Hinduism?

Question Do generational curses exist in Hinduism? Answer Yes, generational curse do exists. They are of 2 types: 1. External Such kind of curse may come from a strong and austere personality like a Brahman or a saintly person. There are couple of references in AnushAsanika Parva as footnotes: The thin bamboo rod in the hand of the Brahmana is mightier than the thunderbolt of Indra. The thunder scorches all existing objects upon which it falls....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Did Yudhishthira lie more than once?

Question Did Yudhishthira lie more than once? Answer No, Yudhishtira did not lie in this case. And this fact is without any hidden or deep meaning. When we relate "truth" or Satya with just "information", then we can often find contradictions in the behaviours of righteous people. Dharma doesn't solely rely on correct/incorrect information. If that was the case, then all computers will become DhArmik! PAndava-s were specifically ordered or agreed to remain disguised for the last 1 year after being defeated in dice game....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Does Hinduism prohibit talking while eating?

Question Does Hinduism prohibit talking while eating? Answer As per Hindu Shastras, one should not talk while bathing,eating and also not while one is performing a Homa(Yajna/Fire Ritual/Agnihotra). Maharshi Veda Vyasa gives us the following reasons for the prohibitions : Maharshi Veda Vyasa cautions: Snaasyato Varunasshobhaam juhvatognih shriyam haret, Bhojane mrityumaapnoti tasmaanmounam trishu smritam/ Conversation while bathing is disliked Varuna Deva and in the course of Homa prakriya the God of Agni detests it just as while taking food Mrityu Deva(Or Yama) is annoyed; hence during these three acts of snaana-homa-bhojana, silence needs to be observed strictly....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: What are Vivartavada and Ajatavada?

Question What are Vivartavada and Ajatavada? Answer 1. Vivartavada: Sanskrit word विवर्त means [1] transformation, more precisely [2] apparent form in Vedanta philosophy. Vivartavada means the doctrine of apparent transformation. According to Adi Shankaracharya Jagat (word) is actually apparent transformation of Brahman under the effect of illusion. That means the transformation is only apparent (illusory/virtual) i.e unreal. Just like snake appeared in rope in dark is due to ajnana or avidya i....

February 14, 2023 · 6 min · TheAum

Q&A: Is the ritual of killing an animal as offering to Maa Kali correct?

Question Is the ritual of killing an animal as offering to Maa Kali correct? Answer I personally believe that a mother would never ask someone to kill her own children moreover she would ask to kill the wrong and the negative things within each individual. What you feel is absolutely correct.Goddess Kali does not need the sacrifice, the necessity arises only from the side of those who eat meat.Because the Shastras unanimously agree that eating meat without sacrifice is a sin....

February 14, 2023 · 5 min · TheAum

Q&A: Did Lord Rama reach Ayodhya after 20 days from Dusherra?

Question Did Lord Rama reach Ayodhya after 20 days from Dusherra? Answer I do not know how the story of Rama killing Ravana on Vijaya Dashami and returning on Deepawali became famous. If we go through Valmiki Ramayana. It doesn't give precise information on time span between killing of Ravana and returning of Rama to Ayodhya. Furthermore, it is not possible that Rama killed Ravana on Vijaya Dashami and awaited 20 days there and returned to Ayodhya on Deepawali, as they returned through Pushpak Vimana....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum