Mandukya Karika, verse 2.30
Mandukya Karika, verse 2.30 Text एतैरेषोऽपृथग्भावैः पृथगेवेति लक्षितः । एवं यो वेद तत्त्वेन कल्पयेत्सोऽविशङ्कितः ॥ ३० ॥ etaireṣo'pṛthagbhāvaiḥ pṛthageveti lakṣitaḥ | evaṃ yo veda tattvena kalpayetso'viśaṅkitaḥ || 30 || 30. This Ātman, though non-separate from all these, appears, as it were, separate. One who knows this truly imagines (interprets) (the meaning of the Vedas) without hesitation. Shankara Bhashya (commentary) Though this Ātman is verily non-separate1 from these, the Prāṇa, etc.,—like the rope from such imaginary ideas as the snake, etc....