Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 29 - Verse 68

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 68 Sanskrit: सर्वे क्रमानुरोधेन मनसीन्द्रियगोचरा: ।आयान्ति बहुशो यान्ति सर्वे समनसो जना: ॥ ६८ ॥ ITRANS: sarve kramānurodhenamanasīndriya-gocarāḥāyānti bahuśo yāntisarve samanaso janāḥ Translation: The mind of the living entity continues to exist in various gross bodies, and according to one’s desires for sense gratification, the mind records different thoughts. In the mind these appear together in different combinations; therefore these images sometimes appear as things never seen or never heard before....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 24 - Verse 68

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 68 Sanskrit: अथ त्वमसि नो ब्रह्मन् परमात्मन् विपश्चिताम् ।विश्वं रुद्रभयध्वस्तमकुतश्चिद्भया गति: ॥ ६८ ॥ ITRANS: atha tvam asi no brahmanparamātman vipaścitāmviśvaṁ rudra-bhaya-dhvastamakutaścid-bhayā gatiḥ Translation: My dear Lord, all actually learned persons know You as the Supreme Brahman and the Supersoul. Although the entire universe is afraid of Lord Rudra, who ultimately annihilates everything, for the learned devotees You are the fearless destination of all....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 8 - Verse 68

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 68 Sanskrit: नारद उवाचमा मा शुच: स्वतनयं देवगुप्तं विशाम्पते ।तत्प्रभावमविज्ञाय प्रावृङ्क्ते यद्यशो जगत् ॥ ६८ ॥ ITRANS: nārada uvācamā mā śucaḥ sva-tanayaṁdeva-guptaṁ viśāmpatetat-prabhāvam avijñāyaprāvṛṅkte yad-yaśo jagat Translation: The great sage Nārada replied: My dear King, please do not be aggrieved about your son. He is well protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although you have no actual information of his influence, his reputation is already spread all over the world....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 26 - Verse 68

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 68 Sanskrit: क्षुत्तृड्भ्यामुदरं सिन्धुर्नोदतिष्ठत्तदा विराट् ।हृदयं मनसा चन्द्रो नोदतिष्ठत्तदा विराट् ॥ ६८ ॥ ITRANS: kṣut-tṛḍbhyām udaraṁ sindhurnodatiṣṭhat tadā virāṭhṛdayaṁ manasā candronodatiṣṭhat tadā virāṭ Translation: The ocean entered His abdomen with hunger and thirst, but the Cosmic Being refused to rise even then. The moon-god entered His heart with the mind, but the Cosmic Being would not be roused. Purport:

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 12 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: स्वसुखनिभृतचेतास्तद्वय‍ुदस्तान्यभावो-ऽप्यजितरुचिरलीलाकृष्टसारस्तदीयम् ।व्यतनुत कृपया यस्तत्त्वदीपं पुराणंतमखिलवृजिनघ्नं व्याससूनुं नतोऽस्मि ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: sva-sukha-nibhṛta-cetās tad-vyudastānya-bhāvo’py ajita-rucira-līlākṛṣṭa-sāras tadīyamvyatanuta kṛpayā yas tattva-dīpaṁ purāṇaṁtam akhila-vṛjina-ghnaṁ vyāsa-sūnuṁ nato ’smi Translation: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the son of Vyāsadeva, Śukadeva Gosvāmī. It is he who defeats all inauspicious things within this universe. Although in the beginning he was absorbed in the happiness of Brahman realization and was living in a secluded place, giving up all other types of consciousness, he became attracted by the pleasing, most melodious pastimes of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 6 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: य इह वाव स्थिरचरनिकराणां निजनिकेतनानां मनइन्द्रियासु गणाननात्मन: स्वयमात्मान्तर्यामी प्रचोदयति ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: ya iha vāva sthira-cara-nikarāṇāṁ nija-niketanānāṁ mana-indriyāsu-gaṇān anātmanaḥ svayam ātmāntar-yāmī pracodayati. Translation: You are personally present as the indwelling lord in the hearts of all moving and nonmoving beings, who depend completely on your shelter. Indeed, you animate their material minds, senses and vital airs to act. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 7 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: अनुरूपानुकूला च यस्य मे पतिदेवता ।शून्ये गृहे मां सन्त्यज्य पुत्रै: स्वर्याति साधुभि: ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: anurūpānukūlā cayasya me pati-devatāśūnye gṛhe māṁ santyajyaputraiḥ svar yāti sādhubhiḥ Translation: My wife and I were an ideal match. She always faithfully obeyed me and in fact accepted me as her worshipable deity. But now, seeing her children lost and her home empty, she has left me behind and gone to heaven with our saintly children....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 84 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: नन्दो गोपाश्च गोप्यश्च गोविन्दचरणाम्बुजे ।मन: क्षिप्तं पुनर्हर्तुमनीशा मथुरां ययु: ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: nando gopās’ ca gopyaś cagovinda-caraṇāmbujemanaḥ kṣiptaṁ punar hartumanīśā mathurāṁ yayuḥ Translation: Unable to withdraw their minds from Lord Govinda’s lotus feet, where they had surrendered them, Nanda and the cowherd men and women returned to Mathurā. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 47 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: कृष्णाय प्रणिपत्याह भक्त्युद्रेकं व्रजौकसाम् ।वसुदेवाय रामाय राज्ञे चोपायनान्यदात् ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: kṛṣṇāya praṇipatyāhabhakty-udrekaṁ vrajaukasāmvasudevāya rāmāyarājñe copāyanāny adāt Translation: After falling down to pay his homage, Uddhava described to Lord Kṛṣṇa the immense devotion of the residents of Vraja. Uddhava also described it to Vasudeva, Lord Balarāma and King Ugrasena and presented to them the gifts of tribute he had brought with him....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: उग्रसेनं च पितरं यदुभोजान्धकाधिपम् । स्वयं निगृह्य बुभुजे शूरसेनान् महाबल: ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: ugrasenaṁ ca pitaraṁyadu-bhojāndhakādhipamsvayaṁ nigṛhya bubhujeśūrasenān mahā-balaḥ Translation: Kaṁsa, the most powerful son of Ugrasena, even imprisoned his own father, the King of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties, and personally ruled the states known as Śūrasena. Purport: The state known as Mathurā was also included within the states known as Śūrasena....

May 9, 2023 · 25 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 4 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: उपायं कथयिष्यामि तव विप्र श‍ृणुष्व तत् ।अयं ह्यात्माभिचारस्ते यतस्तं याहि मा चिरम् ।साधुषु प्रहितं तेज: प्रहर्तु: कुरुतेऽशिवम् ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: upāyaṁ kathayiṣyāmitava vipra śṛṇuṣva tatayaṁ hy ātmābhicāras teyatas taṁ yāhi mā ciramsādhuṣu prahitaṁ tejaḥprahartuḥ kurute ’śivam Translation: O brāhmaṇa, let Me now advise you for your own protection. Please hear from Me. By offending Mahārāja Ambarīṣa, you have acted with self-envy....

April 25, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 18 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: अथेन्द्रमाह ताताहमादित्यानां भयावहम् ।अपत्यमिच्छन्त्यचरं व्रतमेतत्सुदुष्करम् ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: athendram āha tātāhamādityānāṁ bhayāvahamapatyam icchanty acaraṁvratam etat suduṣkaram Translation: Thereafter, Diti said to Indra: My dear son, I adhered to this difficult vow just to get a son to kill you twelve Ādityas. Purport:

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 15 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: अहं पुराभवं कश्चिद्गन्धर्व उपबर्हण: ।नाम्नातीते महाकल्पे गन्धर्वाणां सुसम्मत: ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: ahaṁ purābhavaṁ kaścidgandharva upabarhaṇaḥnāmnātīte mahā-kalpegandharvāṇāṁ susammataḥ Translation: Long, long ago, in another mahā-kalpa [millennium of Brahmā], I existed as the Gandharva known as Upabarhaṇa. I was very respected by the other Gandharvas. Purport: Śrīla Nārada Muni is giving a practical example from his past life. Formerly, during the previous lifetime of Lord Brahmā, Nārada Muni was one of the denizens of Gandharvaloka, but unfortunately, as will be explained, he fell from his exalted position in Gandharvaloka, where the inhabitants are extremely beautiful and expert in singing, to become a śūdra....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 10 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: एवं दग्ध्वा पुरस्तिस्रो भगवान्पुरहा नृप ।ब्रह्मादिभि: स्तूयमान: स्वं धाम प्रत्यपद्यत ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: evaṁ dagdhvā puras tisrobhagavān pura-hā nṛpabrahmādibhiḥ stūyamānaḥsvaṁ dhāma pratyapadyata Translation: O King Yudhiṣṭhira, thus Lord Śiva is known as Tripurāri, the annihilator of the three dwellings of the demons, because he burnt these dwellings to ashes. Being worshiped by the demigods, headed by Lord Brahmā, Lord Śiva returned to his own abode....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 29 - Verse 69

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 4 - Chapter 1 - Verse 69 Sanskrit: सत्त्वैकनिष्ठे मनसि भगवत्पार्श्ववर्तिनि ।तमश्चन्द्रमसीवेदमुपरज्यावभासते ॥ ६९ ॥ ITRANS: sattvaika-niṣṭhe manasibhagavat-pārśva-vartinitamaś candramasīvedamuparajyāvabhāsate Translation: Kṛṣṇa consciousness means constantly associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead in such a mental state that the devotee can observe the cosmic manifestation exactly as the Supreme Personality of Godhead does. Such observation is not always possible, but it becomes manifest exactly like the dark planet known as Rāhu, which is observed in the presence of the full moon....

April 22, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum