Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 8 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: अस्त्वित्युक्त: स भगवान्व्रजे द्रोणो महायशा: ।जज्ञे नन्द इति ख्यातो यशोदा सा धराभवत् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: astv ity uktaḥ sa bhagavānvraje droṇo mahā-yaśāḥjajñe nanda iti khyātoyaśodā sā dharābhavat Translation: When Brahmā said, “Yes, let it be so,” the most fortune Droṇa, who was equal to Bhagavān, appeared in Vrajapura, Vṛndāvana, as the most famous Nanda Mahārāja, and his wife, Dharā, appeared as mother Yaśodā....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 3 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: मघोनि वर्षत्यसकृद् यमानुजागम्भीरतोयौघजवोर्मिफेनिला ।भयानकावर्तशताकुला नदीमागन ददौ सिन्धुरिव श्रिय: पते: ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: maghoni varṣaty asakṛd yamānujāgambhīra-toyaugha-javormi-phenilābhayānakāvarta-śatākulā nadīmārgaṁ dadau sindhur iva śriyaḥ pateḥ Translation: Because of constant rain sent by the demigod Indra, the river Yamunā was filled with deep water, foaming about with fiercely whirling waves. But as the great Indian Ocean had formerly given way to Lord Rāmacandra by allowing Him to construct a bridge, the river Yamunā gave way to Vasudeva and allowed him to cross....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 18 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: तमेव हृदि विन्यस्य वासुदेवं गुहाशयम् ।नारायणमणीयांसं निराशीरयजत् प्रभुम् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: tam eva hṛdi vinyasyavāsudevaṁ guhāśayamnārāyaṇam aṇīyāṁsaṁnirāśīr ayajat prabhum Translation: Without material desires, Mahārāja Yayāti worshiped the Supreme Lord, who is situated in everyone’s heart as Nārāyaṇa and is invisible to material eyes, although existing everywhere. Purport: King Yayāti, although externally seeming very fond of material enjoyment, was internally thinking of becoming an eternal servant of the Lord....

April 25, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 10 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: अग्रहीदासनं भ्रात्रा प्रणिपत्य प्रसादित: ।प्रजा: स्वधर्मनिरता वर्णाश्रमगुणान्विता: ।जुगोप पितृवद् रामो मेनिरे पितरं च तम् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: agrahīd āsanaṁ bhrātrāpraṇipatya prasāditaḥprajāḥ sva-dharma-niratāvarṇāśrama-guṇānvitāḥjugopa pitṛvad rāmomenire pitaraṁ ca tam Translation: Being pleased by the full surrender and submission of Lord Bharata, Lord Rāmacandra then accepted the throne of the state. He cared for the citizens exactly like a father, and the citizens, being fully engaged in their occupational duties of varṇa and āśrama, accepted Him as their father....

April 25, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 6 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: अहो इमं पश्यत मे विनाशंतपस्विन: सच्चरितव्रतस्य ।अन्तर्जले वारिचरप्रसङ्गात्प्रच्यावितं ब्रह्म चिरं धृतं यत् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: aho imaṁ paśyata me vināśaṁtapasvinaḥ sac-carita-vratasyaantarjale vāri-cara-prasaṅgātpracyāvitaṁ brahma ciraṁ dhṛtaṁ yat Translation: Alas! While practicing austerity, even within the depths of the water, and while observing all the rules and regulations practiced by saintly persons, I lost the results of my long austerities simply by association with the sexual affairs of fish....

April 25, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 4 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 9 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: तमन्वधावद् भगवद्रथाङ्गंदावाग्निरुद्धूतशिखो यथाहिम् ।तथानुषक्तं मुनिरीक्षमाणोगुहां विविक्षु: प्रससार मेरो: ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: tam anvadhāvad bhagavad-rathāṅgaṁdāvāgnir uddhūta-śikho yathāhimtathānuṣaktaṁ munir īkṣamāṇoguhāṁ vivikṣuḥ prasasāra meroḥ Translation: As the blazing flames of a forest fire pursue a snake, the disc of the Supreme Personality of Godhead began following Durvāsā Muni. Durvāsā Muni saw that the disc was almost touching his back, and thus he ran very swiftly, desiring to enter a cave of Sumeru Mountain....

April 25, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 24 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: अचक्षुरन्धस्य यथाग्रणी: कृत-स्तथा जनस्याविदुषोऽबुधो गुरु: ।त्वमर्कद‍ृक् सर्वद‍ृशां समीक्षणोवृतो गुरुर्न: स्वगतिं बुभुत्सताम् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: acakṣur andhasya yathāgraṇīḥ kṛtastathā janasyāviduṣo ’budho guruḥtvam arka-dṛk sarva-dṛśāṁ samīkṣaṇovṛto gurur naḥ sva-gatiṁ bubhutsatām Translation: As a blind man, being unable to see, accepts another blind man as his leader, people who do not know the goal of life accept someone as a guru who is a rascal and a fool....

April 25, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 16 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: त्रयोदश्यामथो विष्णो: स्‍नपनं पञ्चकैर्विभो: ।कारयेच्छास्त्रद‍ृष्टेन विधिना विधिकोविदै: ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: trayodaśyām atho viṣṇoḥsnapanaṁ pañcakair vibhoḥkārayec chāstra-dṛṣṭenavidhinā vidhi-kovidaiḥ Translation: Thereafter, following the directions of the śāstra with help from brāhmaṇas who know the śāstra, on the thirteenth day of the moon one should bathe Lord Viṣṇu with five substances [milk, yogurt, ghee, sugar and honey]. Purport:

April 25, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 10 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: सृष्टो दैत्येन सुमहान्वह्नि: श्वसनसारथि: ।सांवर्तक इवात्युग्रो विबुधध्वजिनीमधाक् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: sṛṣṭo daityena sumahānvahniḥ śvasana-sārathiḥsāṁvartaka ivātyugrovibudha-dhvajinīm adhāk Translation: A great devastating fire created by Bali Mahārāja began burning all the soldiers of the demigods. This fire, accompanied by blasting winds, seemed as terrible as the Sāṁvartaka fire, which appears at the time of dissolution. Purport:

April 25, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 5 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: नमस्तुभ्यमनन्ताय दुर्वितर्क्यात्मकर्मणे ।निर्गुणाय गुणेशाय सत्त्वस्थाय च साम्प्रतम् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: namas tubhyam anantāyadurvitarkyātma-karmaṇenirguṇāya guṇeśāyasattva-sthāya ca sāmpratam Translation: My Lord, all obeisances unto You, who are eternal, beyond time’s limits of past, present and future. You are inconceivable in Your activities, You are the master of the three modes of material nature, and, being transcendental to all material qualities, You are free from material contamination....

April 25, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 18 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: नोच्छिष्टास्पृष्टसलिला सन्ध्यायां मुक्तमूर्धजा ।अनर्चितासंयतवाक्नासंवीता बहिश्चरेत् ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: nocchiṣṭāspṛṣṭa-salilāsandhyāyāṁ mukta-mūrdhajāanarcitāsaṁyata-vāknāsaṁvītā bahiś caret Translation: After eating, you should not go out to the street without having washed your mouth, hands and feet. You should not go out in the evening or with your hair loose, nor should you go out unless you are properly decorated with ornaments. You should not leave the house unless you are very grave and are sufficiently covered....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 16 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: श्रीभगवानुवाचयन्नारदाङ्गिरोभ्यां ते व्याहृतं मेऽनुशासनम् ।संसिद्धोऽसि तया राजन् विद्यया दर्शनाच्च मे ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: śrī-bhagavān uvācayan nāradāṅgirobhyāṁ tevyāhṛtaṁ me ’nuśāsanamsaṁsiddho ’si tayā rājanvidyayā darśanāc ca me Translation: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Anantadeva, replied as follows: O King, as a result of your having accepted the instructions spoken about Me by the great sages Nārada and Aṅgirā, you have become completely aware of transcendental knowledge....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 9 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: स्वयं नि:श्रेयसं विद्वान् न वक्त्यज्ञाय कर्म हि ।न राति रोगिणोऽपथ्यं वाञ्छतोऽपि भिषक्तम: ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: svayaṁ niḥśreyasaṁ vidvānna vakty ajñāya karma hina rāti rogiṇo ’pathyaṁvāñchato ’pi bhiṣaktamaḥ Translation: A pure devotee who is fully accomplished in the science of devotional service will never instruct a foolish person to engage in fruitive activities for material enjoyment, not to speak of helping him in such activities....

April 22, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 6 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: पञ्चभि: कुरुते स्वार्थान् पञ्च वेदाथ पञ्चभि: ।एकस्तु षोडशेन त्रीन् स्वयं सप्तदशोऽश्नुते ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: pañcabhiḥ kurute svārthānpañca vedātha pañcabhiḥekas tu ṣoḍaśena trīnsvayaṁ saptadaśo ’śnute Translation: Above the five senses of perception, the five working senses and the five objects of the senses is the mind, which is the sixteenth element. Above the mind is the seventeenth element, the soul, the living being himself, who, in cooperation with the other sixteen, enjoys the material world alone....

April 22, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 10 - Verse 50

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7 - Chapter 1 - Verse 50 Sanskrit: न यस्य साक्षाद्भ‍वपद्मजादिभीरूपं धिया वस्तुतयोपवर्णितम् ।मौनेन भक्त्योपशमेन पूजित:प्रसीदतामेष स सात्वतां पति: ॥ ५० ॥ ITRANS: na yasya sākṣād bhava-padmajādibhīrūpaṁ dhiyā vastutayopavarṇitammaunena bhaktyopaśamena pūjitaḥprasīdatām eṣa sa sātvatāṁ patiḥ Translation: Exalted persons like Lord Śiva and Lord Brahmā could not properly describe the truth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. May the Lord, who is always worshiped as the protector of all devotees by great saints who observe vows of silence, meditation, devotional service and renunciation, be pleased with us....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum