Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 29 - Verse 45-46
Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 45-46 Sanskrit: नद्या: पुलिनमाविश्य गोपीभिर्हिमवालुकम् ।जुष्टं तत्तरलानन्दिकुमुदामोदवायुना ॥ ४५ ॥बाहुप्रसारपरिरम्भकरालकोरु-नीवीस्तनालभननर्मनखाग्रपातै: ।क्ष्वेल्यावलोकहसितैर्व्रजसुन्दरीणा-मुत्तम्भयन् रतिपतिं रमयां चकार ॥ ४६ ॥ ITRANS: nadyāḥ pulinam āviśyagopībhir hima-vālukamjuṣṭaṁ tat-taralānandikumudāmoda-vāyunā Translation: Śrī Kṛṣṇa went with the gopīs to the bank of the Yamunā, where the sand was cooling and the wind, enlivened by the river’s waves, bore the fragrance of lotuses. There Kṛṣṇa threw His arms around the gopīs and embraced them....