Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 2 - Chapter 1 - Verse 43-45 Sanskrit: अहं भवो यज्ञ इमे प्रजेशादक्षादयो ये भवदादयश्च ।स्वर्लोकपाला: खगलोकपालानृलोकपालास्तललोकपाला: ॥ ४३ ॥गन्धर्वविद्याधरचारणेशाये यक्षरक्षोरगनागनाथा: ।ये वा ऋषीणामृषभा: पितृणांदैत्येन्द्रसिद्धेश्वरदानवेन्द्रा: ।अन्ये च ये प्रेतपिशाचभूत-कूष्माण्डयादोमृगपक्ष्यधीशा: ॥ ४४ ॥यत्किंच लोके भगवन्महस्व-दोज:सहस्वद् बलवत् क्षमावत् ।श्रीह्रीविभूत्यात्मवदद्भुतार्णंतत्त्वं परं रूपवदस्वरूपम् ॥ ४५ ॥
ITRANS: ahaṁ bhavo yajña ime prajeśādakṣādayo ye bhavad-ādayaś casvarloka-pālāḥ khagaloka-pālānṛloka-pālās talaloka-pālāḥ
Translation: I myself [Brahmā], Lord Śiva, Lord Viṣṇu, great generators of living beings like Dakṣa and Prajāpati, yourselves [Nārada and the Kumāras], heavenly demigods like Indra and Candra, the leaders of the Bhūrloka planets, the leaders of the earthly planets, the leaders of the lower planets, the leaders of the Gandharva planets, the leaders of the Vidyādhara planets, the leaders of the Cāraṇaloka planets, the leaders of the Yakṣas, Rakṣas and Uragas, the great sages, the great demons, the great atheists and the great spacemen, as well as the dead bodies, evil spirits, satans, jinn, kūṣmāṇḍas, great aquatics, great beasts and great birds, etc....