Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 47 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: कथं रतिविशेषज्ञ: प्रियश्च पुरयोषिताम् ।नानुबध्येत तद्वाक्यैर्विभ्रमैश्चानुभाजित: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: kathaṁ rati-viśeṣa-jñaḥpriyaś ca pura-yoṣitāmnānubadhyeta tad-vākyairvibhramaiś cānubhājitaḥ Translation: Śrī Kṛṣṇa is expert in all kinds of conjugal affairs and is the darling of the city women. How can He not become entangled, now that He’s constantly adored by their enchanting words and gestures? Purport: According to Śrīdhara Svāmī, each of these verses is spoken by a different gopī....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 50 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: एवं सप्तदशकृत्वस्तावत्यक्षौहिणीबल: ।युयुधे मागधो राजा यदुभि: कृष्णपालितै: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: evaṁ saptadaśa-kṛtvastāvaty akṣauhiṇī-balaḥyuyudhe māgadho rājāyadubhiḥ kṛṣṇa-pālitaiḥ Translation: Seventeen times the King of Magadha met defeat in this very way. And yet throughout these defeats he fought on with his akṣauhiṇī divisions against the forces of the Yadu dynasty who were protected by Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 51 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: कालनेमिर्हत: कंस: प्रलम्बाद्याश्च सद्‌‌द्विष: ।अयं च यवनो दग्धो राजंस्ते तिग्मचक्षुषा ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: kālanemir hataḥ kaṁsaḥpralambādyāś ca sad-dviṣaḥayaṁ ca yavano dagdhorājaṁs te tigma-cakṣuṣā Translation: I have killed Kālanemi, reborn as Kaṁsa, as well as Pralamba and other enemies of the pious. And now, O King, this barbarian has been burnt to ashes by your piercing glance. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 52 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: श्वोभाविनि त्वमजितोद्वहने विदर्भान्गुप्त: समेत्य पृतनापतिभि: परीत: ।निर्मथ्य चैद्यमगधेन्द्रबलं प्रसह्यमां राक्षसेन विधिनोद्वह वीर्यशुल्काम् ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: śvo bhāvini tvam ajitodvahane vidarbhānguptaḥ sametya pṛtanā-patibhiḥ parītaḥnirmathya caidya-magadhendra-balaṁ prasahyamāṁ rākṣasena vidhinodvaha vīrya-śulkām Translation: O unconquerable one, tomorrow when my marriage ceremony is about to begin, You should arrive unseen in Vidarbha and surround Yourself with the leaders of Your army. Then crush the forces of Caidya and Magadhendra and marry me in the Rākṣasa style, winning me with Your valor....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 54 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: राज्यस्य भूमेर्वित्तस्य स्‍त्रियो मानस्य तेजस: ।मानिनोऽन्यस्य वा हेतो: श्रीमदान्धा: क्षिपन्ति हि ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: rājyasya bhūmer vittasyastriyo mānasya tejasaḥmānino ’nyasya vā hetoḥśrī-madāndhāḥ kṣipanti hi Translation: [Again Balarāma addressed Kṛṣṇa:] Blinded by conceit with their personal opulences, proud men offend others for the sake of such things as kingdom, land, wealth, women, honor and power. Purport: Lord Kṛṣṇa was originally meant to marry Rukmiṇī....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 57 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: स्यमन्तकं दर्शयित्वा ज्ञातिभ्यो रज आत्मन: ।विमृज्य मणिना भूयस्तस्मै प्रत्यर्पयत् प्रभु: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: syamantakaṁ darśayitvājñātibhyo raja ātmanaḥvimṛjya maṇinā bhūyastasmai pratyarpayat prabhuḥ Translation: After the almighty Lord had shown the Syamantaka jewel to His relatives, thus dispelling the false accusations against Him, He returned it to Akrūra. Purport: For the second time, doubts about the Lord’s reputation occasioned by the Syamantaka jewel are dispelled by the jewel itself....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 58 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: श्रीराजोवाचकोऽन्यस्तेऽभ्यधिको नाथ कन्यावर इहेप्सित: ।गुणैकधाम्नो यस्याङ्गे श्रीर्वसत्यनपायिनी ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: śrī-rājovācako ’nyas te ’bhyadhiko nāthakanyā-vara ihepsitaḥguṇaika-dhāmno yasyāṅgeśrīr vasaty anapāyinī Translation: The King said: My Lord, who could be a better husband for my daughter than You, the exclusive abode of all transcendental qualities? On Your body the goddess of fortune herself resides, never leaving You for any reason. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 30 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: तया कथितमाकर्ण्य मानप्राप्तिं च माधवात् ।अवमानं च दौरात्म्याद् विस्मयं परमं ययु: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: tayā kathitam ākarṇyamāna-prāptiṁ ca mādhavātavamānaṁ ca daurātmyādvismayaṁ paramaṁ yayuḥ Translation: She told them how Mādhava had given Her much respect, but how She then suffered dishonor because of Her misbehavior. The gopīs were extremely amazed to hear this. Purport: It was natural for Rādhārāṇī to ask Kṛṣṇa to carry Her, for this request was consistent with the loving mood of Their relationship....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 38 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: पप्रच्छ सत्कृतं नन्द: कथं स्थ निरनुग्रहे ।कंसे जीवति दाशार्ह सौनपाला इवावय: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: papraccha sat-kṛtaṁ nandaḥkathaṁ stha niranugrahekaṁse jīvati dāśārhasauna-pālā ivāvayaḥ Translation: Nanda Mahārāja asked Akrūra: O descendant of Daśārha, how are all of you maintaining yourselves while that merciless Kaṁsa remains alive? You are just like sheep under the care of a butcher. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 39 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: निमज्ज्य तस्मिन्सलिले जपन्ब्रह्म सनातनम् ।तावेव दद‍ृशेऽक्रूरो रामकृष्णौ समन्वितौ ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: nimajjya tasmin salilejapan brahma sanātanamtāv eva dadṛśe ’krūrorāma-kṛṣṇau samanvitau Translation: While immersing himself in the water and reciting eternal mantras from the Vedas, Akrūra suddenly saw Balarāma and Kṛṣṇa before him. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 41 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: नानालक्षणवेषाभ्यां कृष्णरामौ विरेजतु: ।स्वलङ्कृतौ बालगजौ पर्वणीव सितेतरौ ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: nānā-lakṣaṇa-veṣābhyāṁkṛṣṇa-rāmau virejatuḥsv-alaṅkṛtau bāla-gajauparvaṇīva sitetarau Translation: Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma looked resplendent, each in His own unique, wonderfully ornamented outfit. They resembled a pair of young elephants, one white and the other black, decorated for a festive occasion. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 44 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: तथातिरभसांस्तांस्तु संयत्तान्‍रोहिणीसुत: । अहन् परिघमुद्यम्य पशूनिव मृगाधिप: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: tathāti-rabhasāṁs tāṁs tusaṁyattān rohiṇī-sutaḥahan parigham udyamyapaśūn iva mṛgādhipaḥ Translation: As they ran swiftly toward the two Lords, ready to strike, the son of Rohiṇī slew them with His club just as a lion easily kills other animals. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 20 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: केदारेभ्यस्त्वपोऽगृह्णन् कर्षका द‍ृढसेतुभि: ।यथा प्राणै: स्रवज्ज्ञानं तन्निरोधेन योगिन: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: kedārebhyas tv apo ’gṛhṇankarṣakā dṛḍha-setubhiḥyathā prāṇaiḥ sravaj jñānaṁtan-nirodhena yoginaḥ Translation: In the same way that the practitioners of yoga bring their senses under strict control to check their consciousness from flowing out through the agitated senses, the farmers erected strong mud banks to keep the water within their rice fields from draining out....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 23 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: नूनं भगवतो माया योगिनामपि मोहिनी ।यद् वयं गुरवो नृणां स्वार्थे मुह्यामहे द्विजा: ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: nūnaṁ bhagavato māyāyoginām api mohinīyad vayaṁ guravo nṛṇāṁsvārthe muhyāmahe dvijāḥ Translation: The illusory potency of the Supreme Lord certainly bewilders even the great mystics, what to speak of us. As brāhmaṇas we are supposed to be the spiritual masters of all classes of men, yet we have been bewildered about our own real interest....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 29 - Verse 41

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 41 Sanskrit: व्यक्तं भवान् व्रजभयार्तिहरोऽभिजातोदेवो यथादिपुरुष: सुरलोकगोप्ता ।तन्नो निधेहि करपङ्कजमार्तबन्धोतप्तस्तनेषु च शिर:सु च किङ्करीणाम् ॥ ४१ ॥ ITRANS: vyaktaṁ bhavān vraja-bhayārti-haro ’bhijātodevo yathādi-puruṣaḥ sura-loka-goptātan no nidhehi kara-paṅkajam ārta-bandhotapta-staneṣu ca śiraḥsu ca kiṅkarīṇām Translation: Clearly You have taken birth in this world to relieve the fear and distress of the people of Vraja, just as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the primeval Lord, protects the domain of the demigods....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum